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Tidal adds Siri integration but stops short of HomePod Mini support

As the best smart speakers prove, we love controlling our music with our voices. It’s a popular feature on mobile, too, especially on the go with a pair of wireless earbuds. In the case of the iPhone, Apple Music is, naturally, fully supported for voice control. But elsewhere the story hasn’t been quite so good. But now, Tidal fans have cause for celebration as their long quest is at an end.

Announced with the latest update to the Tidal app on iPhone and iPad, the service now boasts Siri integration. So you can use your voice to play your favorite Tidal music.

For mobile users this is perfect, and judging by the replies, the discussions on Reddit and some of the follow-up tweets from Tidal, this should make a lot of people happy. However, it stops short of becoming an officially supported HomePod Mini music service. The Siri integration is purely on iOS devices and doesn’t extend to Apple’s smart speaker. However, this is a solid first step, so who knows what could happen in the future.

The lack of officially supported third-party music services continues to be one of the biggest points against using a HomePod Mini. Initially, it was Apple’s fault, but the company eventually saw sense and opened up to others. Uptake has been slow, though, with Spotify even going as far as to ‘promote’ Alexa devices if you use Siri with it.

So, HomePod Mini support is next on our collective wants list from Tidal. As is integration with the other major mobile voice assistant. Already, in response to the Siri announcement, folks are starting to ask Tidal where similar support is for Google Assistant. You would potentially still need to rely on Google Cast to send it to your speakers, but at least you could change the track with your voice.

Grab the latest version of Tidal for iOS from the App Store now and start putting Siri to work.

The post Tidal adds Siri integration but stops short of HomePod Mini support appeared first on xda-developers.

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Tidal adds Siri integration but stops short of HomePod Mini support Reviewed by 2080 on 05:19 Rating: 5

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